The first day of spring here in the panhandle was sunny and bright. I sat on the porch this morning sipping my tea and soaking up the sunshine which we were able to enjoy for about thirteen hours. The skunk cabbage and crocuses are starting to poke out of the ground. Our snow is disappearing fast and along with it the moose have starting to move back up the mountain side. Which has attached the attention of the wolves. Last week around dusk I was outside walking the dog and not to far off in the flats a bone chilling howl cut through the air. I have to tell you no matter how much I know about and respect wolves as the sun has slipped below the horizon daylight fading fast that mournful sound is heart stopping.
We have been very busy getting our house to a stopping point where we could leave it for a few weeks while we focused on finding a place to live for the summer while we are finishing the house and then get as much of the major spring move out cleaning done before the busy summer season starts in two weeks. I have time to work on cleaning the house and packing but also get out and enjoy the spring weather. Once April comes around my winter vacation is over and it is time to get back to my seasonal job and my husband also goes back to work full time so we are going less time to work on the house. The biggest challenge building a house out here means no hopping in your car a running to Home Depot to get what you need. Nope we have to call Home Depot order what we need then pay a transport service to either drop it off at the airport it can be flown over or for larger items such as lumber and plywood then we have to wait a week or two for it to arrive on the ferry. So by the time your $15 box of 5,000 nails gets over here you spent $20 in transportation costs. The transportation cost to the airport is a flat rate and then the flight is $0.40 lb or $11 which ever is more so it is better to order everything at the same time.

Since it has been so long since I posted I will leave you with some of February's best pictures. I will wait so long to post some of March's pictures.
Sunset in Icy Strait |
A typical sight here a Bald Eagle sitting on a piling looking for a meal. |
Road Warrior |
Morning frost on the gate to the hydro road. |
Old fish trap far from the beach now but it used to be right on the water. Glacial rebound at work. |
View of Gustavus from the top of the hydro rd.