Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

It is hard to believe it is already the middle of February. This has been a month of warm weather and even warmer winds and snow thrown in just to remind us that yes it is still winter and not springtime just yet.  My husband and I are busy building our house.  We are at the property daily, we started framing the walls for the second story yesterday!  It is very exciting to watch it go up, and knowing we built it ourselves with wood from our property. 

Moose are continuing to be a common occurrence here at the end of the road.  At the very least we see one moose but usually we see more.  There are at least ten cows and calves hanging out in the flats in front of the house and lodge.  Several of the cows have collars, those cows are part of a study that the AK Dept. of Fish and Game is doing on the moose population out here.  Just last night moose 14 and her twins were in our front yard.  They decided to use our little foot bridge to cross the creek instead of getting their hooves wet.

Below are some of the photos from the first ten days in February, enjoy and please feel free to leave comments.

And I thought I would add a couple pictures of our building project as well.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I hope you check it out again sometime  Have a wonderful day.

R.A. Chunn

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