Tuesday, February 7, 2012

January's Pictures

Well it isn't Monday but here are some of the best pictures from the last half of January for your viewing pleasure.  Please feel free to leave comments.  In fact I want to know which photos people like the best and then at the end of the year I will post the twelve most popular photos of the year, but that will only work if people let me know which photos they like the best.

This was the sunrise here the morning before I got on the ferry. It was a cold morning with a beautiful sunrise that made some of the clouds appear to be on fire.

I took the top photo while I was on the ferry. It stopped in Hoonah on our way to Juneau. The sun had already slipped below the mountains by the time the ferry docked. The other photo is the sunrise from the airplane window shortly after take off from Juneau. The colors were so intense and vivid up in the air, this photo does not do the sunrise justice but it is hard to get a great photo from a small airplane window.

The top two photos were taken on the lake ice in southern Minnesota. I had to get a picture of one of the many shanty towns that pop up in MN during the winter.  Ice fishing is a popular past time. There was an oak leaf trapped in the snow and ice that was just begging to be photographed. With some software I played with the lighting a little bit and removed the color. I really like the effect that created for that photo. The large fox squirrel was in my Mom's backyard one morning. Mom calls him the sumo squirrel because he is quite fat and lumbers around instead of scurries. He probably makes the rounds to all the local birdfeeders.

These photos were all taken at the Blank Park Zoo which is located in Des Moines Iowa. It is a nice little zoo, although since it was winter a lot of the animals were not in their exhibits. In the summer it would be a great place to spend half the day with family. Because these pictures were taken in the Blank Park Zoo they will not be added to my portfolio of photos for sale, but I did want to share these photos.

Here are the last of the pictures. Flying home that was my flight from Seattle to Juneau. I was pleased to see blue sky. The weather in both Seattle and Juneau was very cloudy and wet so it was nice to see the blue sky along the way. The last two are of the many moose wandering around Gustavus this time of year. I see moose daily, in fact almost every time I look out the living room picture window I spot at least one moose out in the flats out in front of the house.

I hope you enjoy the photos don't foroget to let me know your favorites for the month.  This weekend I will post some of the best from the first week of February.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the sunrise picture with the small clouds that looked yellow/gold. Nice contrast with dark mountain. I liked the picture of Hoonah from the ferry, town vs mountain and I thought the slope of the mountain was quite interesting. I also liked the picture of the moose standing behind what looks like a fence. Makes the wild animal seem domestic.
